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Your Calm Before The Storm

Calm Before the Storm


The Calm Before the Storm — The Eerie Experience Itself


Out on a walk earlier this week, I noticed something that made me think of you.

They forecasted storms for later that evening.

The air stood still.

It was quiet to the point of eerie.

Almost like every soul had gotten the memo not to venture out because in sixty minutes, I ran into literally no-one outside, no cars on the road.


Despite the weather being super nice for the first time this year.

(And it wasn’t the middle of the night, I promise.)


Then the lightening started.

Huge, beautiful rays of lightening rods coming from the west.

By then it was somewhat dark, and you could see them dancing in the sky with perfect choreography.

No thunder though – adding to the sense of eerie no doubt.

I counted several times – one, two, three, four, five, six – nothing.


The Tragic Reality Many Couples Live Daily 


This – this calm before the storm – is everyday reality for so many of you.

You live in this eerie silence before the storm.

You tip-toe around.

You hope you go unnoticed.

You don’t even dare go get a snack in the kitchen for fear of crossing paths after the kids are in bed.

You tread carefully as if anytime you touch anything – or a topic – it’s quite possible you’ll set the house on fire.

So you wait.

You wait, sometimes you cover your ears to avoid the silence, maybe you hide in a closet somewhere until it’s over.

You know things aren’t great with the two of you but you don’t dare say anything because you aren’t confident at all.

You have no confidence that the conversation ensuing wouldn’t go sideways.

You know fights.

You’ve seen them.

You’ve participated in them.

You’ve gotten accustomed to them.

You haven’t seen proof to the contrary, so you keep believing what you HAVE seen.

This has been so engrained in both of you the last couple of years that you haven’t even considered the possibility of it not happening that way.


The Calm Before the Storm – The Alternative


But what if you knew?

What if the opposite WERE true?

That instead of fights you could have conversations.

What would your life with your husband, with your wife, look like if you knew how to handle yourselves and easily walk through said conversations with your spouse like it’s a walk in the park?

None of those days of rage-filled “recovery” in between.

Free of this silence, stress & resentment you’re experiencing right now.

What if that could be your reality?

It’s possible.

You need to know that.



New Online Program Starting Soon (February 15th)