I wanted to bring this gem to you today.
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.
In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Courtesy of Victor Frankl
Read it.
Then read it again.
Let it sink in.
It’s come up today, and then again yesterday.
So I wanted to share because chances are, there is someone who needs to hear this.
This space exists for a reason.
But you’ve got to use it.
Here are some alternatives as to how you can apply this:
– Before I open my mouth, I remember I actually love this woman/man. Then, I go on and say it.
– Before I open my mouth, I ask myself – Would I have said this to him/her on the first date, and would it ensure me a second one?
– Before I open my mouth, I ask myself – If our kids (neighbors, in-laws, our kid’s teacher, other company) were in the room, would I say the the words that are coming up for me in this way?
– How fast is my heartbeat, and should I even be talking in the first place?
– If there was a camera in the room, would I want this to go on record? Or would I be embarrassed up the wall?
– Before I open my mouth, I ask myself, would I say those words to anyone else, even the checkout lady at Target?
If all else fails, use that thing that they teach our kids at school to use:
Is it kind? Is it inspiring? Is it helpful? Is it necessary?
Take it.
And only then, speak.
If you want to be free and you want to grow – this is how you do that.
Your marriage will be unrecognizable if you put this to practice.
Guarantee it.