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The ONE Thing You Need To Do


one thing


Did you know?


There is one thing you need to be willing to own and say before you can make any progress on your marriage.

With your spouse, right now.

Before anything can change.

The million dollar question, of course – You know what it is??

There one time a while back that I heard in a sermon on a Sunday morning (I know, of all places, right?) a grown man, husband, father – do a version of this.

It was beautiful.

And it’s the exact same thing when it comes to your relationship.

This guy, in front of hundreds of people, admitted to NOT actually knowing how to properly brush his teeth, saying he ended up asking the dental hygienist to show him during his last cleaning.


This is the one thing.

Admitting that you don’t know.

Admitting that you don’t know what you are doing.

When it comes to loving your husband/wife well.

That you don’t know how to talk about the daily simple stuff.

Or the big stuff that only happens once or twice a year.

Oh, and the listening part – that, too.

And that’s just me scratching the surface.


No matter what.

How matter how old you are, or how long you’ve been married.

Or how many times, for that matter.

No matter how many other books you’ve read and the hundreds of topics that you’ve reached excellence at so far.

No matter how much success you’ve achieved in dozens of other things throughout your lifetime —

This is it.

Admitting that you don’t know what you’re doing.

Have you done that yet?

In your marriage, I mean?

For your marriage?




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