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Make It Match In Your Marriage


Make it Match


Riddle me this:

If you were having dinner with the CEO of your company…

Your all-time favorite teacher who is now retired and wanted to meet up…

Oprah or Mother Teresa… (assuming you respect and esteem them highly)

Or your favorite celebrity, someone you LOVE and ADORE and would go to the ends of the earth for —

You would NEVER keep your phone on, “just in case”.

Or text someone continuously as you’re having a meal with them, having a side-conversation of sorts, right?

Or am I wrong??

You would never pick up a call from someone in the middle of the meal, MID-SENTENCE even, as your company is still talking and walk away without saying a word, would you??

Without at a minimum saying –

I’m so sorry, this is the fifth time this person is calling – do you mind if I step away for just a second – I’m getting concerned – I’ll find out what’s going on and I’ll be right back?

Most of us wouldn’t do that, would we?


‘YES’ THERE, but ‘NO’ HERE – Let’s Make It MATCH


WE would not do ANY of those things, am I right?

So WHY is it ok to do when you’re in the company of the person closest to you?

Ahem – The person you married….?

The person whom we also – in theory – might I add –

— love and adore

— respect

— hold in high esteem

— treasure dearly

— can’t imagine our life without

–are grateful for every. single. day

How is it that we manage to explain it away every time?

Really though — How???

How does that work??

Here’s your call to action – or a little bit of motivation – for this week – for all of US:


What you SAY you FEEL – make it match with what you do.

Let’s make it match with how we treat each other.

Day to day, week to week, month to month.

Your person – the one you adore and admire, the one you fell in love with – YES, THAT ONE —

Here’s ME inviting YOU to reconsider how you do this –

And make it match.


And if you two, like so many other couples, need help to make that happen —

Reach out to me, schedule an Initial Phone Consultation HERE and let’s talk.

Because when you two are out of synch – Nothing else is working very well.


New Online Program Starting Soon (February 15th)