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How Are You Starving YOUR Marriage?


starving your marriage


Today, I have a question for you and it’s THIS:

HOW are you STARVING your marriage?

Ever so subtle, I know.

But for real —

What is your energy leak?

Where are you suffocating your relationship with your spouse at the cost of something else?

On one of my recent walks I noticed this tree again.


Are you Starving your marriage right now?


If you notice in the picture –

All the trees surrounding it – they are growing straight up, towards the sun and the sky.

Except for this one tree.

You might need to zoom in a little.

There’s the tree, high and mighty – ONLY –

Its growth is being stunted because of this bush that’s growing right at the bottom of it.

The bush – not the tree – is what’s growing straight up, the way it should be.

The tree – as a result – is growing in a crooked way right around it.

And instead of growing straight up, like every other tree in this neighborhood – it’s doing this.

Now, I’m no arborist – so don’t ask me what kind of bush this is OR what kind of tree – ‘Cause I couldn’t tell you.

But that’s not the point.

We are talking about this because it made me think about you.

You who are sitting there, getting your energy and time zapped by something else – and wondering why your tree is growing out of order.

Crooked, in a twisted kind of way.

Out of place.

Notice that the bush is not that big.

Not that mighty.

At best, maybe three feet tall, and two feet wide.

In comparison – next to the tree – it’s maybe 1 tenth of the size.

But it’s enough to derail the giant, so to speak.


Starving Your Marriage These Days, Are You?


So – I ask again –

What is it that’s starving YOUR relationships of oxygen?

What’s stunting your marriage’s growth?

The moment you notice yourself minimizing your answer – you’ll know you are onto something.

If you are perceiving that your marriage looks like this AT ALL –

Pay attention and figure out – NOW –

What that growth-stunter is for you.

So that it’s not too late later.



And if you are one of those couples that come into my office and lay down three, five or twelve “growth-stunters” on the floor of my office and you don’t know how to even start the process of minimizing these and eliminating them from your lives –

So that they no longer starve YOUR MARRIAGE of oxygen –

And you are looking for help with this – Find a time on my calendar here that works well for you and let’s talk.

Because if you don’t rid your marriage of the things that suck life right out of it – your marriage won’t make it.

Nobody wants that.



New Online Program Starting Soon (February 15th)