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Marriage Tips and Stories to Inspire You


Marriage Stories That Inspire


Messed Up V Day Last Year? It’s Never TOO Early



I’m running errands with our youngest tonight on Friday night.

What are you doing on Friday night?

But all I’m seeing and we went to Michael’s and – what’s this place called?

Hobby Lobby.

Everywhere Valentine’s Day stuff.

I can’t, you can’t make this up — the whole wall, the whole wall and then there’s another wall like right behind me.

Do you have a plan yet for Valentine’s Day?

How do you feel last year?

Did you mess up real big or was it a really great day what are you planning for this year?

Don’t wait till it’s too late.

I don’t know when it’s too early but I do know that there’s such time as too late.

I mean, I don’t know you could start with this, but of course you could also get the real thing.

It’s up to you just do something think about it ahead of time and plan it do something for your wife.

Do something for your husband.

That’s all.


YOUR Husband DO This? Marriage Story that Inspires!



Here’s a question for you: Is your husband a call away?

We had a thing happen today.

I don’t usually go to my office on Saturdays, but the key got stuck.

We couldn’t get it in or out.

It just was in there; it was the wrong key—story for another day.

We couldn’t get it moving one way or the other.

So, what do I do?

I try and then I had to call my husband and say, “Hey, honey.”

He gave us a couple of ideas.

I tried them, but none of that worked.

He’s like, “I’ll put some tools together and I’ll be on my way.”

So, I got in the car, he made the trek all the way to my office, and got stuck—bless his heart.

I don’t even know what he was doing in the middle of his Saturday.

How would this go down if this was your marriage?

A Story to Inspire Your Marriage – TEENS Know RE: MARRIAGE?



Do you think your teenagers have anything to say to you or teach you about marriage and what to do and what not to do?

I spent the day today driving teenagers around.

It was our eldest’s birthday, and so they did a little shindig with some girlfriends, and I was the designated driver for the day.

I was listening to them yap about all the things, and some of it being, “Here’s how this friend got in trouble because they haven’t been able to figure it out.”

Somebody in the back seat says, “Well, it’s all really, when you think about it, it all just comes down to communication.”

Communication truly is at the heart of it all.

You have no idea, it took everything in me to not start laughing out loud.

Because the reality is, if you must know, this comes up three, four, five times in my practice seeing couples.

What it comes down to, the thing that it boils down to, is communication and our inability to communicate about things.

To bring things up, to talk about the hard stuff, talk about the easy stuff, talk about the scheduling—like, that is where it all fails.

And guess what?

It’s your lucky day because I talk about communication on this channel all the time.

So, if you’re looking for help with how to communicate with your spouse better, hit the button, subscribe, and look for the next video.

I’ll see you there!

I hope this marriage story will inspire you in your marriage!

THIS Marriage Myth – You BELIEVE It?



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