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My Biggest Pet-Peeve | Confessions of a Marriage Therapist


biggest pet-peeve


Someone walked up to me the other day and did it again.

Approached me in this particular manner.

If I were to get a dollar for every time this happens, I would have quite the collection by now.

Who knows what I might be able to buy.


It happens to me SO often.

You can probably hear the exasperation in my voice (even though this is being typed instead of said out loud).

People (friends, family, anyone, really) start what they are about to say to me with some version of:

“This is sensitive/private information. I haven’t told anyone yet. Please keep it to yourself.”

Really, people?


And what blows my mind even more – it’s people that have known me forEVER.

Friends I have had since my fabulous teenage years.

People I met when I was in college.

People from church.

Family, even.

That qualifies for a pet-peeve, right?

“A minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly irritating to them, to a greater degree than would be expected based on the experience of others.”

Except that I’d replace minor with major. (Some days.) Which is why I called this post the biggest pet-peeve of mine.

People who have known me forEVER and know what I do every day.

Most of them anyway.

Or so I believed, right?

So I think to myself – Did people not get the memo?

And if you are saying it to me a second or third time, and I haven’t ever broken your trust around the previous two issues – is it really necessary? (Have I done anything to make you think that the rules changed? Another reason to be the biggest pet-peeve of mine.)

You realize that you are talking to what some may call a professional secret keeper…?!?!?!

As in, it’s LITERALLY in my job description.

Biggest pet-peeve or not, do me a favor.

Keep that in mind next time, would ya? 🙂))

I will SO appreciate it.

Yours Truly


PS: All jokes aside: Please remember, client or not, your secrets are safe with me. 

[PS2: My clients don’t do this, of course, this is a shout-out to all of them!]

PS3: Maybe if I started wearing this sign from the office around my neck, it will help? 🙂

biggest pet-peeve



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