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Message from Dept of Transportation for Your Marriage


message from Dept. of Transportation


Turns out I have a co-conspirator at the Minnesota Department of Transportation.

Who knew?

As a driver, I have a bunch of habits that (sometimes) my kids laugh at – like talking to other drivers while I’m on the road.

But nothing irks me more than when people don’t use blinkers.

I’m fine with whatever it is that you want to do, fellow driver on the road – just let me know that you want to do it, right? :))) (anyone else?)

You can then imagine the smile on my face, driving home one day from the office, I saw this sign on one of those electronic signs on the interstate that said:

“Until people can read minds, use turn signals.”


Oh my goodness – a hundred times yes.

What they said.

We could be best friends.

I need to find that human who wrote those words.


Message from Dept. of Transportation for YOUR MARRIAGE


And also – I can’t help but notice the overlap – one that I’ve time and time again brought up in my office over the last ten plus years.

Unless we figure out how to read each other’s minds — Notice we haven’t yet — you’re gonna have to say things.

Yes, out loud.

In a way that your spouse can hear.

So that you don’t go through life together assuming they know.

‘Cause they don’t.

Especially if this is a woman reading this – Hear me.

Your husband doesn’t know.

No matter how many times that conversation has happened in your own head – He likely has no clue.

I see proof of this day in, day out.

They can’t read your mind.

I promise.

[It’s like me talking to the other drivers inside my own vehicle, windows all the way up, driving at 60mph – they can’t hear me :)]

I don’t know what you’ve been told and by whom.

It’s not just a thing they say.

They cannot – and never will be able to – do it – read your mind, that is.

So, figure out what you need to say.

Find the words and start using them.


I don’t know –

What are you doing tonight? 🙂




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