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Intimacy, Connection and Closeness in Marriage

    Scheduling Sex in Marriage? Why you Definitely SHOULD     So many married couples ask me this question all the time. Scheduling intimacy. IS that what we have to resort to? Is scheduling intimacy? Putting sex on the calendar and using some sort of code word or phrase so that in case our […]

How Are You Starving YOUR Marriage?

    Today, I have a question for you and it’s THIS: HOW are you STARVING your marriage? Ever so subtle, I know. But for real — What is your energy leak? Where are you suffocating your relationship with your spouse at the cost of something else? On one of my recent walks I noticed […]

Make It Match In Your Marriage

    Riddle me this: If you were having dinner with the CEO of your company… Your all-time favorite teacher who is now retired and wanted to meet up… Oprah or Mother Teresa… (assuming you respect and esteem them highly) Or your favorite celebrity, someone you LOVE and ADORE and would go to the ends […]

Not Recovering Fast Enough after Infidelity?

    This post is for you IF you are FRUSTRATED that your Spouse isn’t recovering FAST ENOUGH AFTER INFIDELITY.   My Red Light/Green Light Experience   As I was driving to the office this morning, at one of the intersections, I got stopped at a red light. I was the first one in line […]

Broken Trust in Marriage Relationships

    This MIGHT just be THE MOST unrecognized BREAKER OF TRUST. Did you know this? You are not who you say are. You are not what you say you’re going to do but never ACTUALLY do. Soooo… The million dollar question is: Are YOU doing this? Meaning: Where you’re saying you’re gonna SAY something, […]

Know Your Impact in Your Marriage

    Know Your Impact — First, Story Time   With the first snow of the season landing on our lawn, I was reminded of this particular night last winter. We had just spent two weeks at a beach with the whole entire extended family. We were coming back, the flight was a little delayed. […]

Acting Like a Robin in Your Marriage, Are Ya?

    I don’t know how we didn’t notice the progress being done. One day, we came back from church, and it was all completed. It’s not like the birds decided to do it in the back of the house somewhere we never go. They built it right here, on top of a light, right […]

What To Do With a Request (& The Fear that Follows)

    Even when, or ESPECIALLY when… Your husband, your wife approaches you with a request, you have GOT to remember this one thing. That’s ALL that it is. A request. YOU (and I) get to decide what to do with it. And this isn’t me saying – don’t listen to your spouse. Don’t take […]

On Vulnerability in Marriage

    On Vulnerability in Marriage – that’s what we are talking about today. I don’t know who needs to hear this but I JUST reminded a couple of this truth this morning. There’s a lot of talk about vulnerability. And intimacy. And how we all – supposedly – want that in our relationships. Including […]

This Will Happen in Your Marriage As It Relates to Money

    This will happen in your marriage when you work with me. You will be able to talk about money & sex in a way you never knew before. Being open about where you are now. Being honest and open about where you have been (sometimes it is useful to look at what us […]

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