Why Don’t You Love ME Like THAT? She was literally heartbroken. I was having a conversation with a couple earlier today, and it reminded me of something that somebody shared with me a long time ago. When your spouse walks through the door, they go crazy with greeting the dogs, playing […]
MARRIAGE Laughs (Daily Dose) Are you a married woman like me? Please help me out. Something came up yesterday during a session with a couple in my office. Then I brought it home to my husband of 18 years—to see if my hubby was as clueless as this husband that […]
Messed Up V Day Last Year? It’s Never TOO Early I’m running errands with our youngest tonight on Friday night. What are you doing on Friday night? But all I’m seeing and we went to Michael’s and – what’s this place called? Hobby Lobby. Everywhere Valentine’s Day stuff. I can’t, you […]
Why Cross-Cultural Marriages Feel So Hard (SOMETIMES) – Having Earnest Marriage Conversations with Your Spouse Okay, I’m not feeling cute today—I’m not definitely NOT sounding cute. My kids tell me that I sound like a dying zebra… How would they even know that? BUT I need to talk to you about […]
Scheduling Sex in Marriage? Why you Definitely SHOULD So many married couples ask me this question all the time. Scheduling intimacy. IS that what we have to resort to? Is scheduling intimacy? Putting sex on the calendar and using some sort of code word or phrase so that in case our […]
The REAL DEAL In Marriage Here’s the real deal. It turns out that sometimes, even when you do all the things the way that you’re supposed to, the way that I tell my couples to do them, it still doesn’t always work out the way that you think it should. […]
I know, I know — December is a busy month – BUSIEST, AM I RIGHT? That’s why I have SIX Quick minutes of marriage advice you can watch and bring into your marriage during this crazy holiday season. Make it less stressful with these tips. Whether you’re feeling disconnected, or you have family coming […]
Check out these three relationship tips I share with my married couples. Especially if you and your spouse are trying to work on, or even more importantly, save your marriage. If you are looking for a daily dose of goodness and ‘food’ for that marriage of yours – This is for you. […]
Who Gets to Decide What’s Happening During the Holidays This Year? Who gets to decide the rules in your marriage? In your family? How do you two make sure that you two are well on your way to nail the holidays and have them be fabulous. You can have 10 people line up and offer […]
Marriage Myth BUSTED – Are You Selling YOURSELVES this LIE, Too? Here’s some marriage wisdom for you today. Stop selling yourself this lie. For some of you, you’re still stuck in the 2020 mindset of: We’re together all the time. EXCEPT! What that means for you is we work from home, […]