How to Fix a Bad Morning – This is How It All Started So the morning went totally sideways. You got up later than you meant to. You walked away from the breakfast table all mad because what you thought you agreed on the night before didn’t actually happen. Burned your mouth while you […]
Welcome to Q&A Thursday – Today we are talking about how to talk to my spouse about drinking. The question we received today is – How do I talk to my spouse about drinking without them feeling like I am trying to be controlling? Alcohol is a hot topic. Always has been, always […]
Yeah, that’s fair – Let’s talk about this – yet another – pet-peeve of mine. The good ol’ “Yeah, that’s fair” response and let’s talk about why that’s so incredibly useless. You know which one I am talking about, right? ***[PREFER WATCHING A VIDEO?– Scroll Down and you’ll find it] The “Yeah, That’s Fair” Response […]
You may have heard it too. This is what I’ve been training for all my life. The introverts are finally in their element. This is what their life would look like all. the. time – Social Distancing being the dream. [And, if you missed it, we talked about Social distancing and what it’s NOT here […]
The holidays have been coming up a lot. At home, in my office, everywhere. With Thanksgiving behind us, and Christmas and New Years ahead, it’s no wonder really. Talk about the Holidays – The WHY You might be sitting there, thinking to yourself, I dread it already. If you were to […]
We are such a comfortable bunch. I don’t just mean you and me, just all humanity, really. But – Feel yourself included. We like to sit in our dark or shiny little corners, do our things and not really be bothered too much. Heaven forbid that we’d put some effort forth. If someone […]
You must think I am joking. I am not. Doing Things for Your Spouse – Not Joking At All If you thought that “shining their shoes” was code for something else, it’s not. Yes, shining shoes was a thing of the past AND it still is a thing in this […]
It’s Confession Time, Said the Married Couples Coach Again Last week, I don’t even know what night it was, I spent the evening binge-watching (I know, please don’t judge) a whole bunch of Ted Talks dealing with relationships or therapy in one way or another. And I came out really finding a few […]
Relationship advice is not easy to come by. If you have ever been in a situation where you needed some, and heaven knows that most of us have at one point or another, you know this to be true. It only makes sense, the people that you want to help you would (generally […]
Summer time, wedding time. If you are considering marriage or have already crossed over to the infamous pre marriage questions stage – Here is what I have to say: Get married all you want. But for crying out out, DO NOT make the single most significant decision of your life with pink-colored glasses […]