November’s Best Marriage Advice – No. 1 You know why your spouse cringes every time the words “constructive criticism” comes out of your mouth? Because. Those two words don’t belong in your marriage. Keep them where they belong: A job interview A performance review. Your employee handbook even. Or whatever else. Most […]
Generosity breeds generosity You know what’s really hard to do? To offer someone the coat off your back when you’re standing there in your undergarments. Your spouse or anyone else, really. When you’re cold – freezing even, handing that warm piece of clothing is impossible. Or close to it. And you don’t […]
Today is the second of November. As we enter this ever-so-overly-scheduled season of the year, here’s my question for you: Do you dare make a change this year? What do you mean, Danka? This: What are you two going to say “NO” to? On purpose. Thoughtfully. And holding each other to it. You do […]
Before you can have a great conversation with your spouse, you need to know what KIND of a conversation it is. That’s the start. Is it logistics? Are we making plans for a vacation? Are we talking about our kids’ behavior and our parenting roles in that (or lack of alignment with it)? […]
Did you know? It matters who you hang out with. And not just in a professional sense, though also true – How does the saying go? “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” You know that one. It matters on a personal level also. For you […]
Did you know? There is one thing you need to be willing to own and say before you can make any progress on your marriage. With your spouse, right now. Before anything can change. The million dollar question, of course – You know what it is?? There one time a while back […]
They said a professor shared this with them in college and it stuck. I know how that works because I have some of those in my own repertoire. Things I remember people saying to me decades ago. I love these little truth bombs. So. Much. Particularly when they come from the couples I work with. […]
Remember how I talked about the hidden camera in my office? (And no, I still don’t have one.) You might not – it’s been a while. But I discussed something where it felt like ALL my couples were dealing with ONE THING that week. Almost as if they were passing notes in the […]
Today, what I want to do, and you can see it in the title, I’m starting this new series I’m calling: “Don’t be that guy” So this is for you if you’re the gentlemen in our midst. You might want to pay attention. There are so many ways I see this happening. Today […]
You read that title and likely immediately thought to yourself – “Wait, what? I thought there were only benefits. Now you are saying there is bad news?” Yes – but it’s not the kind of ‘bad’ you are thinking. And that’s alright. So – The bad news — here goes. The […]